Hard to believe it...

In eight days, paulmerca.blogspot.com will be one year old!

What started out as a whim, and a way to express myself on matters related to the sport of track and field, has now turned into an information source related to track and field in the state of Washington.

There are numerous things I can do better to make this site current and relevant--I would love to hear from you the ways I can make this site better. Please hit me with your feedback, whether it's good, bad, ugly, or indifferent, keeping in mind that this is currently a one-man operation.

I would love to have an intern(s) who is passionate about the sport added to the site to write, photograph, do video interviews, and/or do podcasts! If you know of anyone who would be interested (unfortunately, the pay is miniscule, considering it's nothing), and wants the experience, please contact me!

Here's to another year of paulmerca.blogspot.com...thank you for all of your support!
